Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Wisniewski Pledge, or a well-mannered rant leading to action

Mostly I've been doing pictures on this blog, but today, watching the News, I knew I needed to bloviate about matters I probably do not know enough about. I've interspaced some recent pics of Fairmont Park amidst the blow to rest the eye. Just read the bottom part if you want to cut to the chase--the middle just gives the reasons for it.


This is what bothers me. Military-grade weapons (ones best suited for invading a foreign country,) are being handed over to the insane with the supposed blessing of the Constitution. Really--this was the framers' original intent?

The NRA pretends to speak for gun owners. It doesn't. It speaks for gun makers. And gun-makers are not people; they are corporations. As corporations their moral imperative is their own prosperity. That's it. Nothing else. In short, they are the equivalent of psychopaths. And the NRA gets the majority of its money from gun makers who care about nothing but selling more guns.

These are military weapons. Even though handguns bought to protect the home are 44% more likely to be shot at a family member or oneself, no one wants to ban regular  handguns. And no one wants to ban hunting rifles either. 

And those people who argue that they need military weapons to resist the government? Because they feel the government could go evil in a snap? Now, while I doubt that our government is constructed to go rogue, as a government worker myself, I gotta point out one huge problem with this scenario. It assumes that government can attain the level of efficiency, effectiveness and secrecy necessary to produce such a doomsday horror.  People who think that such a thing could happen have obviously never worked for the government. 

And all joking aside,  if the government did go nuts,  do you honestly think  a bunch of fantasy soldiers, even if armed with assault weapons, could take down the United States Army? So the argument that we need arms to resist the government is just not logically valid. As if that really needed to be explained.

O.K., so much  guns. What about the shooters? The shooters do not surprise me. I work in a public library in a major city--we are the day room for the local homeless shelters. Many of the homeless are mentally ill or have substance abuse issues (which may be a mental illness.)

There is a psychosis of the sane in this country. It is simple. It is that the insane do not exist. As long as most citizens do not see them, they are not real.

But the fact is, the insane have always been with us, and probably always will. Just because they disappear into cities to become floppy bundles of dirty clothes that you spy as you drive through, does not negate their existence as human beings. 

Shouldn't we learn to deal?

If someone with psychological difficulties is lucky, they belong to a family that understands mental illness as well as most doctors, is amazingly wealthy or has topnotch medical insurance, and is so functional and supportive that its structure is not destabilized by the stress of the whole thing. Most people aren't so lucky. Most families are overwhelmed. And a psychotic on his or her own has little ability to handle care or cooperation. So they get their Social Security Disability and are left to rot. But hey--like owners of assault weapons,  they do have their rights! Yeah, they have the right to suffer.

So what to do?


The NRA's power comes from its money. As long as they have the most power at the table it will be hard to get meaningful reform.

But how many of us who support gun control will take action and cough up dough? Not enough, and I'm very much part of that problem. So here is my pledge.

Americans for Responsible Solutions is the foundation set up by Gabby Gifford and Mark Kelly to prevent gun violence. I pledge to give them the princely sum of $50 this year, and every following year that this work needs to be done. I am a cheapskate -- I should give more. But this is what I can handle. And if everyone of us who knows this is a problem gave $50--the problem would get solved.

So why this organization?
  1. Visibility
  2. I believe Kelly and Gifford will be effective stewards
  3. The organization is middle-of-the-road politically. This is not about Republicans versus Democrats; this is about reality versus magical thinking.
  4. This may not register for everybody, but as a Christian, I am sensitive to how God's grace can  work in strange ways. Gifford was a rising star in our political system and must have had ambition to gain power in order to do good for her country. Then evil stopped her. The personal powers that made her so promising were diminished--but not destroyed. And in her greater powerlessness may arise her greatest power. I hope so.
By turning my bloviation into a public pledge I can turn my hopes into action. If you have read this--thank you for reading. And think about donating. Or better, just donate.



  1. Significant parts of our federal government are in the process of going rogue. Significant parts of our federal government went rogue a long time ago, particularly those most shrouded in secrecy and given carte blanche in their violation of law.

    Why does Homeland Security need 450 million rounds of hollow point ammunition? Who is that particularly deadly ammunition intended for?

    Why does Emperor Obama (consolidating and expanding upon Bush-Cheney type policies) need the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA, and secret interpretations of the Patriot Act?

    Frankly, those who have not dealt with 9/11 and drawn the obvious general conclusion that it was some variety of inside job (with or without some outside help) are not in a position to understand our current political realities. Who had the capacity to turn the Twin Towers largely to dust? That one is definitely not merely a rhetorical question.

  2. Additionally, there are serious discrepancies in the stories of many of the high-profile mass shooting cases, enough so that I think some of them are engineered; which then leaves me wondering what's behind the gun control legislation.

    The James Tracy's Memory Hole blog is a more acceptable starting point for college educated liberals with an arts and humanities bent than most blogs covering subjects of this sort. I would also recommend Veterans Today, but that's probably going to provoke a lot more resistance in most people like us. (I certainly don't trust it but it seems almost indispensable.)

    I haven't thought through the 2nd amendment as much as I'd like to, but at the moment I'd err on the side of very strong gun rights. Even if the government doesn't go haywire, there is the very real prospect of our civilization melting down if the economic bubbles all finally burst. (How long can the central bankers keep pulling rabbits out of their hats?) I don't see myself as having much of a chance as a survivalist, but I'm sympathetic to those who want to be very well armed in case things go belly up.

    Anyway, I do keep seeing stuff like this:


  3. Here's something to read while you're waiting for the government to "go evil." Remember FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds who got a lot of liberal/left praise when she was gagged while Bush was president? Now that she's said some of these things and hasn't exactly embraced the Obama administration, left-leaning mainstream-alternative media (an oxymoron perhaps, but it's clear enough to me what it refers to) seems to have lost interest:

    EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody use the word “al-Qaeda.” It was always “mujahideen,” always “bin Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but “bin Ladens” plural. There were several bin Ladens who were going on private jets to Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan worked with them.

    There were bin Ladens, with the help of Pakistanis or Saudis, under our management. Marc Grossman was leading it, 100 percent, bringing people from East Turkestan into Kyrgyzstan, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan, from Azerbaijan some of them were being channeled to Chechnya, some of them were being channeled to Bosnia. From Turkey, they were putting all these bin Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons went one way, drugs came back.

    GIRALDI: Was the U.S. government aware of this circular deal?

    EDMONDS: 100 percent. A lot of the drugs were going to Belgium with NATO planes. After that, they went to the UK, and a lot came to the U.S. via military planes to distribution centers in Chicago and Paterson, New Jersey. Turkish diplomats who would never be searched were coming with suitcases of heroin.


    Required viewing for any American who is trying to become informed:


    And what Sibel Edmonds has to say (especially about 9/11) is just the tip of the iceberg.

  4. Oh look, there were bomb-related drills running at the same time as the Boston Marathon bombing, and the suspects that have been rolled out had previous contact with the FBI and had been under FBI surveillance. Meanwhile, photos show men in Craft International (a Blackwater sub-group) standing around near the bomb site. How many times have we seen this sort of thing before?

    I wonder why they decided to use Chechens. Given U.S. backing for Chechen terrorism in Russia, it seems a bit of a stretch. I guess that won't make any difference since most Americans have no clue about Chechnya (like Uzbek-ibek-ibekistan).

  5. I am not a robot!


  6. I find it very spooky that they essentially declared martial law in an entire metropolitan area in the name of hunting down one suspect, and for this they received cheers in the end. Let's just close Boston for a few days and go door to door to find this criminal master mind. Door to door? People thrown out of their houses? Palestine? Afghanistan? Iraq? Israeli advisers consulting with U.S. police forces? Afraid so. (See Max Blumenthal.) At least in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. people know/knew they were being occupied. Here in the U.S. it's a matter of making the public beg for more. No, no, I want to be strip searched every time I walk out my door. Anything to save me from the Chechen terrorist cells hiding around every corner.

    You're right though, a few measly firearms wouldn't be much help against the ultra-militarized police force unleashed. Still, I think something is better than nothing in that respect. If enough of us took the responsibility to arm ourselves and prepare to defend our rights, the PTB might be more hesitant to continue to assault our rights and liberties. Unless they want to just bring out the big guns and wipe most of us out, which is another matter entirely. Not much to do about that, after the fact anyway.

    Y'all need to wake up and smell the Monsanto GMO coffee.

  7. You want evil?

    Unaired Conspiracy of Silence documentary.

    (Not sure html will work here, which is why I haven't been linkifying.)

  8. Evidently not.

